Financial Incentives for COVID-19 Vaccination: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

**Importance**: Prior studies found that financial incentives have small, positive direct effects in increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates, but unmeasured social spillovers (ie, changes in outcomes among untreated individuals who are socially …

Policy makers believe money motivates more than it does

To motivate contributions to public goods, should policy makers employ financial incentives like taxes, fines, subsidies, and rewards? While these are widely considered as the classic policy approach, a substantial academic literature suggests the …

Liberté, Égalité, Crédibilité: An Experimental Study of Citizens' Perceptions of Government Responses to COVID‐19 in Eight Countries

During a global pandemic, individual views of government can be linked to citizens’ trust and cooperation with government and their propensity to resist state policies or to take action that influences the course of a pandemic. This article explores …