Leistungsorientierte Bezahlung

Making performance pay work: The impact of transparency, participation, and fairness on controlling perception and intrinsic motivation

Performance pay has been one of the main trends in public sector reform over the last decade and aims to increase employees’ motivation. However, positive results are sparse. In a majority of cases, pay scheme designers neglect that intrinsic …

Personalbeurteilung und leistungsorientierte Bezahlung

Personalbeurteilung wird in der öffentlichen Verwaltung seit langer Zeit betrieben. Im Rahmen der Einführung der leistungsorientierten Bezahlung (LOB) hat sich ihre Bedeutung jedoch erheblich gesteigert. Der Beitrag erörtert die konzeptionellen …

Do they all fail? A Comparative Analysis of Performance-Related Pay Systems in Local Governments

The introduction of performance-related pay (PRP) in the public sector has been one of the main trends in public management reform in the last two decades. However, it seems that PRP regimes have been loosened or even taken off the reform agenda, …