Research methods

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I am very interested in the application of new research methods, especially statistical methods. My research is mainly based on quantitative methods, while survey research and experiments are my main focus. The emphasis on experiments fits very well with a more general trend in public management research which is called “Behavioral Public Administration.” Behavioral Public Administration tries to foster the use of experimental methods in public management as well as the use of psychological theories.

The following topics and methods are especially interesting for me:

  • Item Count Technique (“List experiments”)
  • Meta-Analysis
  • Bayesian statistics
  • Scale development
  • Polynomial regression and response surface analysis
  • R
  • Open science

Teaching research methods and statistics is one of the main topics in my courses.

Dominik Vogel
Professor of HRM and Organization in the Public Sector

I am a Professor of Human Resource Management and Organization in the Public Sector at the Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany. My research focuses on the motivation of public employees, what makes leadership in the public sector successful, how citizens interact with public administrations, and how public organizations manage performance.
